Dr. Pepper BBQ Chicken

"Great dish, one of my friends gave me this recipe, she says it is a "stand by" fav. with her family."
photo by Andrea B. photo by Andrea B.
photo by Andrea B.
Ready In:




  • Mix together all ingredients and simmer 15-20 minutes.
  • Baste chicken.
  • *This can be done on grill outside too, or oven.
  • This sauce is enough for two whole chickens, halved.

Questions & Replies

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  1. I wanted to love this recipe. It was fairly easy to make and tasted good. I bought a bottle of Dr. Pepper on a whim and didn't finish it, so I remembered reading about this recipe and decided to make it. I skipped the onions because I don't ever add them in my BBQ sauce. I simmered it for about 40 minutes and it was still too thin. Next time I would try simmering even longer. I poured it in a bottle and applied it to my chicken legs every 5 minutes in the oven. The brown bits where the sauce really caramelized were GREAT. I feel like if it had been thicker, and if I had broiled it for a bit at the end, and the entire leg was covered in that sticky brown caramelized sauce, this would be a five star recipe!
  2. This was a good recipe which left the chicken very moist. Although I baked mine which as the previous review says, it probably would have a more sharp flavor with grilling or broiling. Will try again on the grill. I have to say though, it was good.
  3. This was very good! I made mine in the crockpot which probably wasn't a good idea as the chicken really didn't retain a sharp flavor which I think would happen if I grilled or broiled the chicken, but it was still good!


<p>I am originally from Alberta, Canada.</p> <p>I am an Independent Avon Sales Representative.</p> <p>Photography has been a passion of mine for as long as I can remember so I have taken a few college classes to further my skills.&nbsp;<br /><a href=http://www.glitter-graphics.com><img src=http://dl6.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1762/1762636hb88s3cqu4.gif border=0 alt= width=480 height=500 /></a><a href=http://www.glitter-works.org target=_blank> <br /><br />I now live in NC, USA. I have one wonderful daughter Shantelle <br /></a><a href=http://s132.photobucket.com/albums/q2/CanUSgal/?action=view?t=FromShirlsCD1142.jpg target=_blank><img src=http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q2/CanUSgal/FromShirlsCD1142.jpg border=0 alt=Photobucket /></a> <br /><br /><a href=http://www.glitter-graphics.com><img src=http://dl10.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1147/1147480t6phl13g44.gif border=0 alt= width=488 height=23 /></a><a href=http://www.glitter-works.org target=_blank>glitter-graphics.com</a> <br /><br />I am the proud Gramma of Alexis&nbsp; &amp; Lukas<br /><a href=http://s132.photobucket.com/albums/q2/CanUSgal/?action=view?t=100_3348-1.jpg target=_blank><img src=http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q2/CanUSgal/100_3348-1.jpg border=0 alt=Photobucket /></a> <br /><br />and Ava <br /><a href=http://s132.photobucket.com/albums/q2/CanUSgal/?action=view?t=n814815174_3097164_5314-1.jpg target=_blank><img src=http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q2/CanUSgal/n814815174_3097164_5314-1.jpg border=0 alt=Photobucket /></a> <br /><br /> <object width=480 height=360 data=http://w132.photobucket.com/pbwidget.swf?pbwurl=http://w132.photobucket.com/albums/q2/CanUSgal/9b7590b0.pbw type=application/x-shockwave-flash> <param name=data value=http://w132.photobucket.com/pbwidget.swf?pbwurl=http://w132.photobucket.com/albums/q2/CanUSgal/9b7590b0.pbw /> <param name=src value=http://w132.photobucket.com/pbwidget.swf?pbwurl=http://w132.photobucket.com/albums/q2/CanUSgal/9b7590b0.pbw /> <param name=wmode value=transparent /> </object> <a href=http://photobucket.com/slideshows target=_blank><img src=http://pic.photobucket.com/slideshows/btn.gif alt= /></a><a href=http://s132.photobucket.com/albums/q2/CanUSgal/?action=view?t=9b7590b0.pbw target=_blank><img src=http://pic.photobucket.com/slideshows/btn_viewallimages.gif alt= /></a> <br /><br /> <object width=250 height=250 data=http://w132.photobucket.com/pbwidget.swf?pbwurl=http://w132.photobucket.com/albums/q2/CanUSgal/1181676225.pbw type=application/x-shockwave-flash> <param name=data value=http://w132.photobucket.com/pbwidget.swf?pbwurl=http://w132.photobucket.com/albums/q2/CanUSgal/1181676225.pbw /> <param name=src value=http://w132.photobucket.com/pbwidget.swf?pbwurl=http://w132.photobucket.com/albums/q2/CanUSgal/1181676225.pbw /> <param name=wmode value=transparent /> </object> <a href=http://photobucket.com/slideshows target=_blank><img src=http://pic.photobucket.com/slideshows/btn.gif alt= /></a> <br /><br /> <object width=400 height=400 data=http://w132.photobucket.com/pbwidget.swf?pbwurl=http://w132.photobucket.com/albums/q2/CanUSgal/1176780150.pbw type=application/x-shockwave-flash> <param name=data value=http://w132.photobucket.com/pbwidget.swf?pbwurl=http://w132.photobucket.com/albums/q2/CanUSgal/1176780150.pbw /> <param name=src value=http://w132.photobucket.com/pbwidget.swf?pbwurl=http://w132.photobucket.com/albums/q2/CanUSgal/1176780150.pbw /> <param name=wmode value=transparent /> </object> <a href=http://photobucket.com/slideshows target=_blank><img src=http://pic.photobucket.com/slideshows/btn.gif alt= /></a><a href=http://s132.photobucket.com/albums/q2/CanUSgal/?action=view?t=1176780150.pbw target=_blank><img src=http://pic.photobucket.com/slideshows/btn_viewallimages.gif alt= /></a> <br /><br /> <object width=480 height=360 data=http://w132.photobucket.com/pbwidget.swf?pbwurl=http://w132.photobucket.com/albums/q2/CanUSgal/1169500164.pbw type=application/x-shockwave-flash> <param name=data value=http://w132.photobucket.com/pbwidget.swf?pbwurl=http://w132.photobucket.com/albums/q2/CanUSgal/1169500164.pbw /> <param name=src value=http://w132.photobucket.com/pbwidget.swf?pbwurl=http://w132.photobucket.com/albums/q2/CanUSgal/1169500164.pbw /> <param name=wmode value=transparent /> </object> <a href=http://photobucket.com/slideshows target=_blank><img src=http://pic.photobucket.com/slideshows/btn.gif alt= /></a><a href=http://s132.photobucket.com/albums/q2/CanUSgal/?action=view?t=1169500164.pbw target=_blank><img src=http://pic.photobucket.com/slideshows/btn_viewallimages.gif alt= /></a> <br /><br />Here are some of my photos: <br /><br /><a href=http://s132.photobucket.com/albums/q2/CanUSgal/?action=view?t=100_2666.jpg target=_blank><img src=http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q2/CanUSgal/100_2666.jpg border=0 alt=Photobucket /></a> <br />Frozen Lemonade Squares <br /><br /><a href=http://s132.photobucket.com/albums/q2/CanUSgal/?action=view?t=GEDC0124.jpg target=_blank><img src=http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q2/CanUSgal/GEDC0124.jpg border=0 alt=p /></a> <br /><br /><a href=http://s132.photobucket.com/albums/q2/CanUSgal/?action=view?t=100_2536.jpg target=_blank><img src=http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q2/CanUSgal/100_2536.jpg border=0 alt=Photobucket /></a> <br /><br />My HUGELY popular recipe Soft Molasses Cookies <br /><br />I love photography and am trying to get better at it. Here are a few pics I have taken. <br /><a href=http://s132.photobucket.com/albums/q2/CanUSgal/?action=view?t=Jasper.jpg target=_blank><img src=http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q2/CanUSgal/Jasper.jpg border=0 alt=Photobucket /></a> <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><a href=http://www.glitter-graphics.com><img src=http://dl4.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1167/1167354yin8tsiepj.gif border=0 alt= width=500 height=80 /></a><a href=http://www.glitter-works.org target=_blank>glitter-graphics.com</a> <br /><br />You can find me here at zaar as a Forum Host in: <br /><br />Holidays &amp; Entertaining Forum <br />Regional Forum</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><br /><br /><a href=http://www.glitter-graphics.com><img src=http://dl6.glitter-graphics.net/pub/2324/2324726rgpcfiuucd.gif border=0 alt= width=472 height=107 /></a><a href=http://www.glitter-works.org target=_blank>glitter-graphics.com</a> <br /><br /><a href=http://www.glitter-graphics.com><img src=http://dl2.glitter-graphics.net/pub/2202/2202562q221kj5vkc.jpg border=0 alt= width=250 height=239 /></a><a href=http://www.glitter-works.org target=_blank>glitter-graphics.com</a> <br /><br />From the day I found zaar I have never logged out. I love cookbooks and have tons and TONS... right now I am trying to collect most of the Gooseberry Patch ones and have to have dh keep a list in his wallet so we dont buy duplicates. I love ones with pictures and love, love TOH ones. I have got my famous tilapia with jasmine rice published in TOH and have a few published in some GBP. I will find any excuse to buy a cookbook lol. I like practical cookbooks, nothing strange or difficult. Simple ordinary everyday family recipes.</p> <p><br /><br /><img src=http://img98.imageshack.us/img98/8283/mybannerglitter0bf587ff.gif border=0 alt=Create your own banner at mybannermaker.com! /></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><img src=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v51/tiggrr34/Graphics/HolidayOrnamentSwapTag2011-4.jpg alt= width=200 height=266 /></p>
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