Chapati (East African Bread)

"This is taken from the Congo Cookbook. Unleavened bread that is very popular and is served with many curry dishes. I am estimating the servings as I have not made this yet. It looks good and simple so I do plan on making."
photo by noure2005 photo by noure2005
photo by noure2005
photo by PanNan photo by PanNan
photo by NoraMarie photo by NoraMarie
photo by PaulaG photo by PaulaG
Ready In:




  • All ingredients should be allowed to come to room temperature if they have been in the refrigerator.
  • Mix flour and salt in a bowl.
  • Slowly mix in enough water to make a thick dough.
  • Mix in one spoonful oil.
  • Knead dough on a cool surface for a few minutes, adding a few spoonfuls of dry flour.
  • Return dough to the bowl, cover with a clean cloth, and let it rest for thirty minutes.
  • Lightly grease (with cooking oil) and pre-heat a skillet or griddle.
  • Divide the dough into orange-sized balls. Flatten them into six-inch circles. Fry them in the skillet or griddle, turning once, until each side is golden brown and spotted.
  • Place in warm oven as they are done and serve with butter and any curry, stew or soup dish.

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  1. Came out as expected. I used a little under 1 cup of water for this recipe. I also added refolding processes: you roll it out. Fold it over a few times and then roll out again. This gives it a flakier texture.
  2. this turned out great. just like an indian restaurant down the street from me. a great variety from the regular bread here in the philippines which is sweet. try adding poppy seeds for a different look and taste......
  3. I study in Kenya and my host-family's method of making chapatis is almost identical to this recipe. Some people do use whole wheat flour (brown bread flour) and are successful. Chapatis have been a part of East African cuisine for centuries, and they are as much a part of East African food as they are Indian. Also, they are slightly different than Indian chapatis.
  4. Mine did not turn out like the photo in the silver dish. They more resembled tortillas. Next time I will leave them thicker instead of rolling so thin. Thanks Janet. It was a fun experiment and introduction to a new type of bread.
  5. These were very easy to make and pretty good to boot! I used fresh ground whole wheat flour and kept adding water a little at a time until the dough stuck together and cleaned the sides of the bowl. I doubled the recipe and got about a dozen chapatis out of it.


<p>I have started a new chapter in my life...I got re-married to the sweetest guy ever!&nbsp;I have two sons Jeff&nbsp;23 and Chris who is&nbsp;27 They have both moved out of the house so I am happily going thru empty nest syndrome. I've become a motorcycle our free time you will find us on our harley going wherever the wind takes us. Love it!!!</p> <p>I lost my dad&nbsp;3 years ago and it still hurts and I miss him&nbsp;alot.&nbsp;So if anyone who reads this and has lost a loved one, drop me a line and we can commiserate.<br /><br />I became a Zaar addict quite awhile ago and I love it- its truly helped me meet alot of awesome people and to be part of a community that not only is about the food, but also cares about everyone who is a member. <br /><br />I am a Host Moderator in the Q&amp;A Forum. Its where I spend most of my time when I'm on Zaar, but you find me just about anywhere in the late night hours. <br /><br />My Zaar Sister Shirl(J)831 and I have met and she always welcomes me into her home. She is truly my dearest friend and kindred sister. Alot of people on Zaar think we are actually sisters and I take that as a compliment. She lives down South and that happens to be one of my favorite areas.</p>
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