Carrot Cake - Fruited Carrot Loaf or Christmas Muffins

"This recipe was passed along many years back and has been the recipe I have used for carrot loaves ever since. By adding an additional cup of mixed glaced fruit it makes for a special holiday loaf come Christmas. If adding the additional fruit you may need to add approximately ten to fifteen minutes to the baking time. Icing with your favorite cream cheese icing adds to this delicious loaf. I also use this recipe to make Christmas Muffins - using holiday muffin cup liners. Before baking I press a cherry in the centre and make petals by using 5 blanched almonds (pointy end to cherry) Makes for great presentation. Served in a footed server with the glass dome lid has you getting raves before they take their first bite!"
photo by Sharlene~W photo by Sharlene~W
photo by Sharlene~W
photo by queenbeatrice photo by queenbeatrice
photo by Sharlene~W photo by Sharlene~W
photo by Kansas A photo by Kansas A
Ready In:
1hr 25mins




  • In bowl: beat eggs until smooth and creamy, add sugar, oil, milk, vanilla and beat well.
  • In large bowl combine and whisk together flour, baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon and salt.
  • Make well in dry ingredients, add the egg mixture mixing until thoroughly combined.
  • Stir in grated carrots, coconut, raisins and pecans.
  • Pour into two greased loaf pans ( approximately 9 x 5 and preferably lined) baking in a 350 oven 60 - 70 minute. (ovens vary).
  • Remove from oven, place on wire rack until cooled completely.
  • Remove from pan, wrap in foil, refrigerate overnight before slicing.

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  1. This is an OUTSTANDING CARROT CAKE LOAF. I chose NOT to add the GLACE FRUITS, otherwise followed recipe. It made a very light, moist, loaf bread excellent with tea/coffee! I liked it because it wasn't heavy/dense as most of carrot cake recipes I tried. A keeper in my file! Thanks for posting Gerry!
  2. This is a marvelous recipe. I added 1 cup of glace fruit as recommended in the "About this Recipe" box. This made 16 large muffins that baked in a 350 dergree oven for 30 minutes.<br/>Thanks for sharing your 5 star recipe!
  3. Thanks Gerry for this great recipe. It is wonderful. I added a full one-half cup of candied cherries to this and it was sooooo pretty. Otherwise, I followed directions. The only thing is I couldn't wait to taste it, so I did not refrigerate it before slicing, but cut a piece while it was semi-warm and put butter on it. Oh, wow! Will make this again.
  4. I made this and froze it without trying any. We found it last night when cleaning out the freezer. This was good and we ate the whole loaf. I didnt put any frosting and hubby like it cause it wasnt too sweet. THANKS for posting it. I will try again and have it before freezing any.
  5. Moist, delicious and easy to make! I omitted the fruit and raisins and frosted the loaves with a simple cream cheese icing. I brought it as a hostess gift for a friend with whom we were visiting for a long weekend. We enjoyed eating it for a sweet breakfast all weekend. Next time, I will add the raisins and possibly a can of crushed pineapple.


<p>I live in Saskatchewan where hospitality and food go hand in hand. Community suppers, Beef Pit Barbecues, Church suppers, potlucks, tea and bake sales, booths at the curling and hockey rinks in winter, the ball games in summer. What is truly the spirit of Saskatchewan is that these events are for most part the efforts of community volunteers sharing their time as well as their best make and takes. Small communities along with the larger centres across the province are well known for their turkey suppers, cabbage rolls, perogies and overflowing dessert tables. Homemade of course! <br /> <br />I love preparing meals for my family and friends and in the sharing of good recipes be they mine or that of another. My posted recipes are recipes that are family favorites. My reviews here on Zaar allow that I have been most fortunate in the choosing of the recipes I have made. Without doubt we all love those over the top desserts and dishes to serve on special occasions and for those fives are a given. For me equally important are the recipes used in the daily meal preparation. Recipes enjoyed by my family be it a simple soup, salad or casserole are right up there with the 'over the tops' and share equal billing. Yes five star ratings ... if my family enjoyed, I would serve to invited guests, take to a pot luck, coffee hour or bake sale. <br /></p> <p>Aside from cooking and baking I admit that my interest in gardening exceeds that of the norm. I collect cookbooks, my favorites being the community and church cookbooks that have everyone sharing their favorite recipes. Enjoy yard sales on occasion but tend to keep my hands in my pockets, cannot completely resist when it comes to the glassware, baskets and of course cookbooks. I take great pleasure in reading with non fiction being my first choice when it comes to the choosing.</p>
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