Caribbean Pork 'n Rice

"This is from healthy living recipes. Exchanges: 3 starch, 1/2 fruit, 1 vegetable, 3 meat, 1/2 fat."
photo by Swirling F. photo by Swirling F.
photo by Swirling F.
photo by Swirling F. photo by Swirling F.
photo by Swirling F. photo by Swirling F.
photo by Amber C. photo by Amber C.
Ready In:




  • Cook tenderloin in oil in a large skillet.
  • Add onion and carrots and cook until pork is no longer pink inside.
  • Stir in pineapple, water, barbecue sauce, ground ginger, bell pepper, and rice.
  • Bring to a boil; cover and let stand 5 minutes.

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  1. I was going to post this recipe, looks like ya beat me to it! I added celery to it also. This is great, the flavors are wonderful together and my DH loved it too!


Before I joined Zaar, I could barely boil water properly. So, when someone compliments my cooking and asks me where I learned how to cook, I'm proud to say I learned from a cooking website and a few store-bought cookbooks. I have a black and white cat named Allie who is a little over 2 years old. She was adopted from the Humane Society. I really feel like we "rescued" her because she was sick when we got her and the Humane Society, as well-meaning as they are, just didn't have the resources to take care of her properly and she surely would have been euthanized. She is very healthy and happy now. She has tons of toys to play with, gets plenty of food and treats, gets to go out in the backyard to catch bugs and eat them, and someone is home with her almost all the time to cater to her every whim and fancy, lol. I don't have any children, Allie Cat is my baby, lol. I developed a serious, unrelenting crush on Colin Farrell after I saw him in a movie called "American Outlaws", and I have been in love with him ever since....... well, as much as you can "love" someone you've never met. I love t.v. and movies (always have) and I'm a huge fan of pop culture. Two of my favorite shows about pop culture are "Best Week Ever" on VH1 and "The Soup" on E!. Grease is my favorite movie of all time, followed in a close second by Forrest Gump. I came across this site by accident, I don't recall what recipe I was looking for, but I know that I found it and a whole lot more!
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