Caribbean Ketchup

"This is really good on pork, chicken and burgers, both for grilling or serving at the table. Please note it makes 7 to 8 cups, so the jar and jar size amount is up to you."
photo by a user photo by a user
Ready In:
2hrs 10mins
7-8 cups




  • In a food processor puree together the raisins, onion, garlic, tomato paste, bananas and enough vinegar to make this possible.
  • Whirl to smooth.
  • Scrape into a large stainless or enamel pot.
  • Add remaining vinegar, 4 cups of water, brown sugar, salt and cayenne.
  • Bring to a boil stirring constantly.
  • Turn heat down to medium low and cook uncovered for 1& 1/2 hours, stirring frequently.
  • If the ketchup is trying to"stick" to the bottom of pan, add a small bit of water.
  • Add remaining ingredients except rum and cook for another 15 minutes.
  • Test ketchup on a frozen plate.
  • If no liquid forms around the dollop your ready to: Add the Rum.
  • Return to a boil stirring constantly, and remove from heat.
  • Ladle into clean, hot jars leaving 1/4 inch head space.
  • Process in a boiling water bath 20 minutes for pints, 15 minutes for half pints.
  • Allow to ripen for 1 month before using.

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  1. The recipe is great. We doubled it and had a taste before canning. It was very different from boring ketchup, very close to the jerk sauce that we love at our favorite jerk restaurant. We can't wait to taste the aged version in a few weeks. Thanks DiB's for another great recipe!
  2. When I saw this I was wanting to make something a little different. I was leery about the bananas but figured I'd go with it. Am I glad I did. This has an unusual tase that I really can't describe. I didn't use the rum because I don't like rum but otherwise didn't change anything. This is really good brushed over broiled chiken breasts and great as just a condiment. The only it DOESNT seem to go with is plain old french fries lol.



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