Caramel Crackles

"These little gems are soooo good! I found this in my Take 5 ingredients book and had to make them for toddler DD's birthday. The recipe says use white marshmallows but I used a mixed pink & white bag & the crackles had a lovely pink tinge. I think using all pink would be great too especially for a little princess party."
photo by I'mPat photo by I'mPat
photo by I'mPat
Ready In:
24-30 cracles


  • 125 g marshmallows
  • 300 g jersey caramels
  • 12 cup cream
  • 30 g butter
  • 5 cups rice bubbles or 5 cups Rice Krispies
  • 1 cup shredded coconut


  • Combine caramels, cream butter & marshmallows in a saucepan, stir over low heat without boiling, until the marshmallows and caramels have melted and the mixture is smooth.
  • Combine rice bubbles and coconut in a bowl and stir through the melted mixture.
  • Spoon into patty cases and refrigerate several hours until firm.

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  1. Took these to the DS's music recreation group where they were devoured in no time flat. I scaled the recipe back to a 1/2 mix but got 23 out of it, though my patty cases were small and held about a heaped dessertspoon in each. Thank you **Mandy**, made for Edition 6 - Make My Recipe, a game of tag.


Melbourne I live on a 5 acre property in the Dandenong Ranges Victoria, Australia, having moved from the burbs when I became pregnant with my now 15 year old daughter Alyssa. Once my daughter was born I became a stay at home mum as I couldn't bear the thought of putting her in daycare. She is the light of my life, I never imagined myself as a mum when younger but now wouldn't have it any other way. Alyssa was made a big sister on the 19th April 2010 when our cheeky little boy Blake was born. I love cooking and experimenting with new recipes so quickly become addicted to Zaar as it was previously known & still use it regularly. In addition to being my kids taxi :lol: I also spend my time, reading, gardening and of course shopping. I'm lucky enough that we have the space & so love growing our own fruits, vegies & herbs, this also means we have plenty of room for animals & at the moment have 2 dogs, Max, a Jackshund who's 6, Fletcher, a Kelpie who's 4, 6 cats Snowpea, Fergus, Ginger, Tango, Annie & Cookie, 4 chooks & 2 Ducks. As well as our pets, we also have a lot of native animals around our area, we have kangaroos, wombats, echidna's, possums as well as rosella's, galah's & Cockatoo's hence the name of where I live..
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