Butterscotch Haystacks
photo by Sassy J

- Ready In:
- 5mins
- Ingredients:
- 3
- Yields:
20 haystacks
- 12 ounces butterscotch chips
- 3 tablespoons peanut butter
- 5 ounces chow mein noodles
- Melt chips and peanut butter in microwave (about 2 minutes in mine, stir halfway through).
- Stir in chow mein noodles and drop onto wax paper (a heaping tablespoon per haystack).
- Enjoy!
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My husbands Grandmother use to make these and he loves them. The addition of peanut butter makes them even better. The hubby loves this twist. He requests several batches every holiday season to share with others. I'm thankful they are so easy to make. Hint: When you buy the Noodles, get the ones in the can. Wrap it and repurpose it to give these as gifts. Boom! You're welcome. Happy Holidays!
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clarksville, tn
I am a teacher, and have been married to my high school sweetheart for almost 9 years. I have a niece who is 7, and a nephew who is 1. Also, I have 2 sweet kitties. Sinatra is a bit on the plump side, and Audrey is a petite dainty thing. They both are almost mirror images of each other.
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