Brian's Tropical Ceviche

"Inspired by a recent trip to Costa Rica and dedicated to my friends Brenda. and JP."
photo by RedsoxOCD photo by RedsoxOCD
photo by RedsoxOCD
Ready In:
8hrs 20mins




  • In a large non- metal mixing bowl, combine fish, seafood, and half of the diced vegetables with salt and all 3 juices.
  • Refrigerate overnight stirring occasionally.
  • Add remainder of vegetables 1 hour before serving.
  • Serve in chilled martini glasses with wedges of lime and pineapple.

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  1. Made for Spring PAC 2010, I followed the lead of prior reviews + my history w/Tex-Mex type ceviche & cut marination time to 3 hrs. Ingredient issues + pers pref were also factors. Sea bass is not available here & scallops are not easy to find + *very* expensive if found, so I used 15 oz halibut w/9 oz shrimp for the same seafood amt & only 1 jalapeno (w/o seeds) for the sake of my DH. The pineapple flavor is excellent in this tropical ceviche & I loved all the texture! I think mango would also work & even avocado as a late add for those who favor it. All in all, it was a real treat to revisit my affection for ceviche in my Dallas dys. Thx for sharing this recipe w/us & for accepting the chgs I had to make. :-)
  2. Made for PAC 2010. Overall flavor was excellent. I loved it. The marinating time is way off for me. I make ceviche often and loved the pineapple in this with the sea bass which I did use, it was a great flavor. Overnight, the bass and scallops are way over marinated. I marinated for 2 hours which was plenty of time especially with the shrimp diced. If the shrimp were whole I may have marinated them a bit longer. Scallops and fish take even less time. Everything was easily done after the 2 hours. Any longer and I wouldn't be able to taste the fish. The flavor was great. I served mine in a small lettuce leaf as an appetizer which was great. I would normally serve in a martini glass or similar and use the garnish. This just went with the rest of my dinner. It was a good recipe, and I enjoyed it. The marinating time for me is way too long is all. Great flavor. Thx for posting, Kim
  3. When I made this, I cut the marinating time way back & also used only about 3/4 of one jalapeno! I wasn't actually all that enthused about it, but friends who were at the table when it was served thought it ABSOLUTELY GREAT, & I'm not usually one to agrue with guests, AND they did want a copy of the recipe, too, so . . . Thanks for sharing it! [made & reviewed for one of my adoptees in the current Pick A Chef event]



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