Blue Cheese Potato Gratin

"These were a rich, wonderful addition to our Maple Vinegar Crispy Chicken #118864 dinner at Culinary Communion. They're even better the next day! Posted with permission."
photo by Julesong photo by Julesong
photo by Julesong
Ready In:




  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees F; lightly butter or oil a 9"x13" baking pan.
  • Rinse the potato slices in cold water then pat dry.
  • You're going to make three layers of potato slices, cheese/cream, salt/pepper: layer 1/3 of the slices in the bottom of the prepared pan, then top with 1/3 of the cheese, cream, salt, and pepper.
  • Repeat twice with remaining ingredients (except garnish).
  • Bake uncovered at 350 degrees F for 50 minutes or until the potatoes are tender and the top is browned and bubbling.
  • Sprinkle with freshly grated Parmesan, and serve hot.

Questions & Replies

  1. BLUE CHEESE POTATO GRATIN....can I make these the night before then cook day of?


  1. Can I give more than 5 stars? These are fabulous. I came looking for a recipe after having Blue Cheese Au Gratin at Wolfgang Puck's. These are darn close and so very easy. I made these for Xmas Dinner to accompany Prime Rib. Fabulous. Many compliments. I added lots of blue cheese and I was worried the taste would be too strong, but they were fab. Thanks so much, Biker Chick... these are amazing!
  2. Plan on serving this at our gourmet group in January and made a trial run last night. Excellent. Outstanding. Exactly what I was looking for. I put the parm cheese on before baking by mistake, so about halfway through baking I put a handful of Panko Breadcrumbs on the top for garnish. Hubby and I just loved how it turned out. Tasted some of the leftovers cold this morning and they definitely have a better flavor the next day. Can't wait to serve these to our group in January - I'm sure they'll be received with rave reviews then as well!
  3. For such a simple recipe, these really are sinfully delicious! I was happy I had a lot leftover, because they really *were* better the next day. Thanks, Bikerchick!


As my nickname might imply, one of my hobbies does have something to do with bikes. The motorized kind, I enjoy endurance motorcycle riding. I'm a big fan of car racing too, particularly the European stuff, road racing, and endurance car racing, not so much NASCAR, but no offense. The Beau and I get to take his car out once in a while for autocross and basically drive like speed demons and not get in trouble. I love driving in general and am one of the few nutz who enjoys shopping for cars. But I also love to cook. Believe it or not, my mom doesn't think I can cook. But she couldn't cook, so that's probably how she got on that track. My sister and I were latchkey kids and learned to help in the kitchen at a young age and I consider cooking a great outlet for my creative bits. I work full time but am in school on and off part time, plus try to keep up with current events and life in general, plus teach a weekly class to my co-workers, plus just hanging out with The Beau and all our good friends. Oh and I also pet/house-sit -- I used to do it for friends but recently hired on with a "company" and am now kinda one of their contractors. I'm a dog freak but don't have a good setup for dogs, so pet-sitting is how I get my dog fix. I have a kitty, she's 18 and at her age I figure she deserves a taste of whatever's on my plate.
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