Betingan Makdous (Stuffed Aubergine Pickle in Olive Oil)

"This is a popular and lovely Lebanese pickle served as a mezze. Perperation time does not include preserving time."
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  • Wipe clean the aubergines.
  • Poach aubergines in salted water for about 15 minutes until soft and then set aside to cool.
  • Once cool, squeeze very gently to get rid of the water.
  • To make the stuffing, mix the chopped walnuts, chopped garlic and dry chilli flakes together and season with salt and pepper.
  • Cut a slit lengthwise down the middle of each aubergine but not right through, leaving the ends so as to form a pocket.
  • Stuff with the walnut mixture.
  • Pack the aubergines stem ends up in a completely sterile glass jar with a firm seal and cover with olive oil from time to time as you pack in the layers of aubergines.
  • Make sure the aubergines are submerged in oil.
  • Keep refrigerated until rich flavour develops, for about a week before serving.
  • This will keep for a month in a refrigerator.

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  1. My MIL makes this and this is enjoyed throughout the middle east. Red chilli peppers arent readily used in most parts of the middle east, so traditional "harissa" also known as "shatah" is added to give it the hotness. These are great and usually enjoyed as a breakfast sidedish. Thanks for the recipe.


<p style=margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px Helvetica;><span style=font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px;><img src=file:///Users/aishayusaf/Library/Caches/TemporaryItems/moz-screenshot.png alt= /><img src= alt= width=402 height=507 /></span></p> <p><img src= alt= /><br />Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. <br />It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. <br />- H. Jackson Brown, Jr. <img src= alt= /> <br /> <img src= alt= /> <br /> <br />For a hobby, I'm into photography. I thoroughly enjoy baking, but have to admit, I have two left hands when it comes to decorating cakes! I also do a bit of knitting (beginner's stage) and reading. Stephen King and Dean Koontz are my all time favourite authors, and, of course, LOVE Calvin and Hobbes (does it show??!!) <br /> <br /> <img src= alt= /> <br /> <br /> <img src= alt= /></p> <p>I search for recipes that carry ingredients I can get hold of locally (or I have stocked in my cupboard!). Recipes I have posted are ALL tried and tested and have been enjoyed by all! So, I hope you and your family will enjoy as well! <br /> <br />My rating system is fairly simple. Since I only pick recipes that I know my family will enjoy (looking at the list of ingredients), it's either 5 or 4 stars, I do not go any lower. I may sometimes do a bit of tweaking but that is only due to my family's tastes. If I do have problems with a recipe or if it didn't turn out the way it should have done, then I just leave a comment without any rating. <br /> <br /><img src= alt= /></p>
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