Berries in Champagne Jelly

photo by Izy Hossack

- Ready In:
- 15mins
- Ingredients:
- 7
- Serves:
- 1 liter champagne or 1 liter sparkling white wine
- 1 1⁄2 tablespoons gelatin
- 1 cup sugar
- 4 slices lemon rind
- 4 slices orange rind
- 1 2⁄3 cups small strawberries, hulled
- 1 2⁄3 cups blueberries
- In a bowl, pour 2 cups champagne or sparkling white wine, and allow the bubbles to subside.
- Sprinkle the gelatine over the top in an even layer. Leave until the gelatine is spongy - do not stir.
- Place the remaining champagne in a large saucepan. Add the sugar, lemon and orange rinds, and heat gently, stirring until all sugar is dissolved.
- Remove the pan from the heat. Add the gelatine mixture and stir until thoroughly dissolved. Leave the jelly to cool completely, then remove the lemon and orange rind.
- Divide the strawberries and blueberries among eight 1/2 cup wine glasses or clear bowls and pour the jelly over them.
- Chill until the jelly has fully set. Remove from the fridge 15 minutes before serving.
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these were fantastic! i absolutely loved them! they tasted and looked divine! they are presented so nicely! i am going to serve these the next time i have a nice dinner or a buncha girlfriends over! i am absolutley in love with this recipe! only thing i did differently was instead of using the rinds, i just zested the orange and lemon, then strained it when the mixture cooled!
1. I taught myself how to cook out of self-defense.
(Mom hated cooking, and her "specialty" was "Liver and Onions")
2. I love to cook.
3. I think eating's pretty fun, too.
4. I enjoy many different cuisines.
5. Organ meat isn't one of them.
7. I was born in New Jersey.
8. I'm Italian.
9. The only Italian words I know are bad ones.
10. I'm married to a wonderful man who loves trying new recipes.
12. I have 5 beautiful children...and the pictures to prove it. ;)
13. I hate doing laundry.
14. I do it anyway because I hate dirty clothes even more.
15. I used to work in Marketing.
16. My favorite color is purple.
17. I like the black jelly beans best.
18. I have a weakness for dark chocolate.
19. I love penguins.
20. My favorite pets are cats.
21. We have a pet turtle.
22. I can drive a stick (manual transmission).
23. I can juggle (nothing sharp or on fire).
24. I love gardening.
25. I hate garden-eating bugs.
26. My hobby is black and white photography.
27. I enjoy public speaking.
28. I like creating fun, innovative cakes.
29. I once made a soundboard cake for a DJ's wedding. It even lit up.
30. I live in Texas, but I don't say, "y'all."
31. I've always wanted to visit New Zealand.
32. I read a lot.
33. I use vegan-certified skin care products.
34. I'm not religious, but I have a personal relationship with Jesus.
35. Okay, so I have more than thirty things...never was much good with numbers!
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