Awesome Almond Scones

"I have no idea where I got this recipe, but it is awesome! I love almond in anything and they go together quickly."
photo by Elly in Canada photo by Elly in Canada
photo by Elly in Canada
photo by Elly in Canada photo by Elly in Canada
photo by Elly in Canada photo by Elly in Canada
Ready In:




  • Preheat oven to 425 degrees.
  • Line baking sheet with parchment paper and lightly spray paper with nonstick cooking spray.
  • Combine flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, butter, almond paste and almonds in food processor.
  • Pulse until mixture has the consistency of coarse crumbs. Put in a large bowl.
  • Whisk together egg, egg yolk and 2/3 cup cream until blended. Stir the egg mixture into the flour mixture until dough just begins to hold together.
  • Add dough to lightly floured surface. With lightly floured hands, pat dough to 1/2" thickness.
  • Cut scones using a 2" diameter heart-shaped cookie cutter or round biscuit cutter. Gather excess dough and repeat process. Place scones 3" apart on prepared baking sheet.
  • Lightly brush surface of scones with remaining 2 tablespoons of cream.
  • Bake 15-20 minutes, or until puffed and golden brown.
  • Remove from oven and cool on wire rack.
  • Now: I add about 1/2 teaspoon of almond extract or so to my cream and egg mixture. I do not cut these with a cookie cutter and re-roll. I usually just cut them in squares and then into triangles.
  • I also freeze them on a wax-paper lined sheet for several hours before baking and add about 3-4 minutes to my baking time.

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  1. Like the name says - awesome almond scones! We enjoyed them hot out of the oven, loved the crunch of the almonds and the melting bits of almond paste. A great recipe Snicklefritzie!!


<p>This is me. Taken at my B-day last year. <br /> <br />I am 41 years old. Been married to my fantastic Honey for goingon 4 years now.&nbsp; I have one son, 23, who is engaged to a beautiful, vivaceous woman.&nbsp; I am a medical transcriptionist - work in the office at our local hospital.&nbsp; I love to cook, that is my relaxation. I love baking, especially cookies and scones. We live in a raised ranch at the very edge of the city limits - corps of engineer wetland area across the road, city soccer field in my back yard. We live in a town of about 10,000 - a little too big for my liking, but that is alright. It is quiet here, tho. We have 1 cat, Miss Callie, who is (big surprise here LOL) a calico cat.&nbsp; I enjoy counted cross stitch, reading - mysteries mostly, walks, teatime, board games and of course, cooking! <br /> <br /> This is my baby kittie! Sadly, he developed a saddle thrombus and we had to put him down on 03-22-12.&nbsp; He lived a full life and Miss Callie is stepping into mighty big shoes, but she is so sweet that is not a problem!<br /> <br />These are a few of my favorite things: <br />Cats. <br />Snow - we lived in Alaska for a while when I was little and I loved it! <br />Celtic music, especially harp and bagpipes. <br />Rainy days. <br />Autumn leaves. <br />Fireplaces and bonfires. <br />Historical mystery stories. <br />Cookbooks. <br />Anything Victorian. <br />Counted cross stitch. <br />Calligraphy - working on learning this. <br />Tatting lace - want to learn how. <br />Canning and preserving summer's bounty - pickles, jams, jellies . . . . <br />Roses - particularly pink ones. <br />Lace. <br />Candlelight. <br />Garfield. <br />Moonlight. <br />The ocean- living in the Midwest, this is something I LONG for! We lived in New Bedford, Mass. for a while when I was a child. <br />Travelling- I like to go driving. That is, I don't care to drive myself, but I do like to go driving! <br />Really, really good dark chocolate. <br />The color green - in all of its manifestations. <br />Ice hockey - watch, not play! <br />Teddy bears. <br />Sherlock Holmes. <br />Board games - except monopoly. <br />Tea and scones. <br />New England. <br />Long walks in the brisk autumn air. <br />Hot chocolate. <br />Gazing at a starry sky. <br />Optimism. <br />Homemade soup and homemade bread. <br />Christmas music. <br />Quilling. <br />Origami - want to learn this. <br />Learning about new cultures. <br />The way God's word reveals new things every time you read it! <br />Trying new recipes. <br />Comedy. <br />Making Christmas cookies. <br /> <br /><br /><img src="" alt="" /> <br /> <br /><img src="" alt="" /></p>
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