Apricot Walnut Chutney

"Sweet and spicy. Great with lamb or poultry. Prep time includes overnight soaking time."
photo by French Tart photo by French Tart
photo by French Tart
Ready In:
10hrs 30mins
6 half-pints




  • Soak dried apricots overnight in water.
  • Drain apricots and chop.
  • Boil the chopped onions for a few minutes to soften them; drain.
  • Cut zest from oranges in long strips, and dice strips into 1 inch pieces.
  • Put all the ingredients except the walnuts into a large non-aluminium kettle and bring to the boil. Turn down the heat and cook gently, stirring regularly, for 1 1/2 hours until the mixture is thick.
  • Stir in the walnuts. Pour while hot into warm sterilized jars. Seal with lids and rings.
  • Process in boiling water for 10 minutes. Cool on wire rack. Lids will ping if sealed properly. If any jars fail to seal, refrigerate and use within a few days. Store sealed jars in cool, dark place.

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  1. I did cut the quantity in half and still got lots!! This was a very straight forward recipe to follow. I made it using the jam cycle on my bread maker. (stirs while heating!!). I only tried a little before storing it in jars and all i can say is... mmm...mmm...good!!!
  2. All types of chutney beckon me, and I was not disappointed with this one! I made half the quantity listed - there are only so many jars my pantry can hold! Easy to make and although I know this will mellow and age, the teaspoon I had as I was bottling this, was fruity and bursting with flavour. I will come back and add to my review later. Thanks Mike for yet another winner! FT:-) N.B.I used malt vinegar and normal raisins - this made my chutney slightly darker I suspect.


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