Amazingly Simple and Perfect Burger Sliders

"After watching numerous how-to videos about making sliders I came up with this method. It's a combination of methods all rolled into one. The actual recipe is mine though. The burgers come out perfectly sized each time. This recipe makes 15 burgers but I only make 6 at a time and freeze the rest. When we want sliders I just take out another 6 and let them thaw over night in the refrigerator."
photo by tabasco0697 photo by tabasco0697
photo by tabasco0697
Ready In:
2 sliders




  • Place ground chuck in mixing bowl (using an 80% - 20% fat content produces the best burgers). Add the onion powder, 1 teaspoon garlic powder, 1 teaspoon sea salt, 1 teaspoon fresh ground black pepper and the Worcestershire sauce and mix well.
  • Place meat between 2 sheets of parchment paper. Using a rolling pin roll meat out to 1/4 inch thick. Using a biscuit cutter cut out patties. Keep rearranging the scrapes to make more patties. You should end up with 15. (I freeze 9 of my patties for later use. When I freeze them I separate the patties with parchment paper and place in freezer bag for up to 3 months. When ready to make take out the desired number and let defrost in the refrigerator over night).
  • Heat oil and butter in pan over high heat. Add onions and 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder, 1/2 teaspoon sea salt and 1/2 teaspoon coarsely ground black pepper and cook 3-4 minutes until onions are starting to soften. Add patties on top of onions turn to medium -medium high heat and cook for 3 minutes.Stir onions often. Flip burger and cook an additional 3 minutes. Place the bottom of the bun on the patty white side (not crust side) down on the patty. Place the top of the bun right side up on the bottom bun (meaning crust side up). Cover and cook an additional 1 minute. Remove the top half of the bun and place off to the side for a second while lifting the patty. Using large spatula lift up onion, patty and and bottom bun in one motion making sure the patty is facing up with the onions on top. Split the cheese into 6 pieces and place a piece on each patty. Then place the top half of the bun on top. Serve with choice of condiments. I've found it's just easier to dip your slider into the condiments instead of putting them on the patty.

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<p>I'm a native Floridian. I love to cook and since going on disability a few years back I'm able to spend more time in kitchen. I love to experiment in the kitchen. I worked in communications for the majority of my working career with a short stint in banking right out of high school while in college. My elderly mother and I live together with 3 dogs. I worked with a dog rescue for many years but had to give it up due to health reasons. My mother has to be the all time champion picky eater so it's hard to please her. My screen name comes from the best dog I've ever owned...Tabasco</p>
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