Adobo Mojado - Wet Rub for Meats and Poultry

"Wet adobo will keep 5 to 6 days in the refrigerator, which gives you a chance to try it on anything you like from fish fillets and pork chops to turkey cutlets and steaks. This is not shy or subtle but a very _up in your face_ rub."
photo by Susiecat too photo by Susiecat too
photo by Susiecat too
Ready In:
1/2 cup




  • Pound the garlic cloves and salt to a paste using a mortar and pestle. (The salt keeps the garlic from flying all over the place as you pound them together.).
  • Add the peppercorns and oregano, pounding well after each to incorporate them into the paste. Come on! Really work out those aggressions! Pound!
  • Stir in the olive oil and vinegar.
  • Slather on chicken, steak, chops, etc. then refrigerate for at least an hour. Grill or bake as you prefer.

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  1. This is a very tasty rub. I made it in my mortar and pestle, but I think perhaps next time I might take the easy way out and use my food processor. I used this with skinless boneless chicken breasts, and before baking them I also added some lemon slices and juice. Delicious! Thanks, SusieQusie!


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