Abm Raisin, Date & Nut Bread Wreath

"This is the closest thing to Dudley's Bakery Raisin,Date and Nut Bread in Santa Isabel, CA."
photo by a food.com user photo by a food.com user
Ready In:
1 loaf




  • Heat milk in microwave for 2 minutes.
  • Add butter to milk and stir until melted.
  • Add egg to milk and stir until mixed.
  • Put flour, brown sugar, salt, nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger, vanilla and egg in bread pan. Add milk mixture and yeast to bread pan per manufacturer's directions.
  • Start bread machine on dough cycle.
  • Remove dough and roll out into a 6x24-inch sheet.
  • Spread raisins, dates and nuts onto dough leaving about an inch on the edges.
  • Add more if needed.
  • Peel long edge up and roll up dough, making long roll.
  • Pinch edges to seal.
  • Lay with edge down into a circle.
  • Let rise covered with cloth in a slightly warmed oven for 30 minutes.
  • Optional: I use an egg wash to give the bread a more golden shiny look.
  • Also I might put slight cuts in the dough to give it texture.
  • Bake in 350°F oven for 22 minutes.

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  1. This recipe is very similar to Dudley's Bread in Santa Ysabel. The first time I made it I let the Bread Machine bake it, you know how they can get a little too crusty but the flavor was close. The second time I did the wreath in the oven. Wow! I was surprised at how similar it was. Next time I may try as a regular loaf by putting it in a round cake pan to get the "Dudley" shape. It brought back sweet memories of our fall family trips to Julian to pick apples. Thank you so much for sharing this recipe!
  2. I was pleasantly surprised with this recipe. Not using a bread machine, I found the rising time to be slightly higher and the dough stiffer but when it had baked it was amazing. I cut 1" slices to about 1/2" of inner circle and arranged the slices overlaping and flat. It baked a spectacular wreath. I did spread the dough with a tiny amount of melted butter and sprinkled about 1/4 pkg of instant pudding (cheese cake flavor) over that before the fruit and nuts. I plan to use this recipe for many things, from breakfast bread to church socials. Thanks for the recipe



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