ABM Dinner Rolls

"This recipe is so easy to make and they are so good! I usually make up a batch to keep in the freezer. It's nice to be able to pull out a few at a time and micro for a quick addition to any meal! Hope you like them, too!(Prep time does not include dough time in ABM)"
photo by petlover photo by petlover
photo by petlover
Ready In:
16 rolls




  • Add all but last 2 ingredients to machine in order reccommended by the manufacturer and select dough cycle.
  • When complete, transfer dough to lightly floured surface and knead (if necessary) until easy to handle.
  • Shape into rolls as desired (I keep dividing into halves until I have sixteen pieces and then I divide each into 3 pieces for cloverleaf rolls and put in a muffin tin).
  • Cover and let rise until doubled; 20-30 minutes.
  • Combine egg and sugar, brush on top.
  • Bake at 375F for 12-14 minutes or until done.
  • Enjoy!

Questions & Replies

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  1. I made this in the bread maker -- dough ( quick dough) cycle-- i made sure that the butter was softened so that it mixed in easily-- these rolls baked up amazing!!! WE loved them and the whole house smelled so good. I will definately make these rolls again. Thanks for this outstanding recipe -- I submitted a picture of my "dinner rolls"
  2. Great buns...I like to do them as pull apart buns by dividing the dough into 16th, rolling little balls and baking in a muffin pan...yummy! My latest batches have been coming out very heavy and dry so I'm upping the water to see if that fixes thing....
  3. Good roll. My rolls did turn out heavy as well. I followed the recipe as stated. Would make these again.
  4. Thank you for the very nice recipe for light, rich rolls. I followed it strictly up until the glaze, which I left off. They are still a lovely golden color, and taste delicious.
  5. Well these buns just did not work for me. I followed the recipe to the "T". They turned out heavy and we ended up throwing them out. I think I will retry them at a later time though, because I believe it is a good recipe. There fore I do not think that it would be fair for me to rate them at this point in time.


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