Flamin' Hot Cheetos-Crusted Turkey for Undecided Dinner Planners

Reynolds promotes oven bags with junk food-coated turkeys.

By Ethan L. Johns
November 20, 2017

Image: Reynolds

Want to really go over-the-top for Thanksgiving? You could go high-brow turkey en vessie, which we’re not sure would work, but would require you to stick the bird in a pig’s bladder after stuffing it with foie gras and black truffles. Or you could take the über-low-brow route with Reynolds’ (of wrap fame) timely recipes for junk food-smothered turkeys.

Do you love Flamin’ Hot Cheetos? How about Cool Ranch Doritos or Funyuns? In a series of recipes meant to help sell the company’s oven-safe plastic bags, Reynolds explains how to make flavor-blasted turkeys from your favorite chips.

It’s a behemoth of clickability. Flamin’ Hot Cheetos are the puffed up corn snacks that have set a nation aflame in recent years. So adding it to the Thanksgiving table seems like the natural culmination of the trend. Simply crush ‘em up with a rolling pin or throw them in a blender, then smother your turkey, turning it a vibrant shade of nuclear red before throwing that bad boy in a nuclear-hot oven.

Not a fan of Flamin’ Hot Cheetos? Simply sub for your favorite crunchy snack! Bask in the bizarre glory of a Chex Mix-covered bird; bathe in the radiance of Lay’s Dill Pickle Flavored potato chip-infused poultry. The possibilities are endless. Which chip will you choose? Let us know using #GeniusKitchen.

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About Ethan L. Johns

Ethan is the Food News Writer at Genius Kitchen. An expert on the Parisian bistrot, he likes bitters and salted butters, and is no fan of dessert unless it's made with fruit. His hobbies include reading up on the history of borscht and attempting to roll perfect couscous by hand. Twits & Instagram @EthanLJohns