Air at Maryland Frat Party Sets Off Officer's Breathalyzer

Firewater-breathing fraternity bros set party aliquor.

By Ethan L. Johns
December 22, 2017

Image: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

When Maryland’s Montgomery County Police responded to a noise complaint on Tuesday night, they found themselves inhaling something unexpected: airborne alcohol.

The noise complaint stemmed from a roaring “Tequila Tuesday” fraternity party in Bethesda, which was held by members of American University’s Sigma Alpha Epsilon Chapter. As WJLA reported, officers knocked on the door and were eventually invited in by the building’s tenants. Once inside, they noticed that at least one of their breathalyzers was showing .01, without anyone having blown into it. There was so much alcohol inside that it had evaporated and become noticeably airborne.

The police noted that beer and liquor bottles were strewn about and that the windows were covered with trash bags and insulation. In an attempt to flee, one person jumped out of a second-story window, while eight others locked themselves in a bathroom. The 70 attendees of the party ranged in age from 17 to 20, and were breathalyzed by police on the way out of the house.

The six tenants, all 20 years old and students at American University, face 126 criminal accusations, including underage possession of alcohol and providing alcohol to minors. Their potential fines total $315,000, though it is unlikely that their actual charges will be so extreme.

Maybe next time these boys should consider a “Taco Tuesday” instead.

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About Ethan L. Johns

Ethan is the Food News Writer at Genius Kitchen. An expert on the Parisian bistrot, he likes bitters and salted butters, and is no fan of dessert unless it's made with fruit. His hobbies include reading up on the history of borscht and attempting to roll perfect couscous by hand. Twits & Instagram @EthanLJohns