Yummy Eggnog Scrambled Eggs

A real treat! I was looking for recipes this morning to use Eggnog in, and the majority of them were for things like French toast. I went to the kitchen to make scrambled eggs and used eggnog rather than milk. Turned out AMAZING and will be a regular seasonal treat in my house. Actually, they ended up being far fluffier than my normal scrambled eggs, too. Try it! Tell me what you think [but the kids will love it ;) ] Show more

Ready In: 8 mins

Serves: 2





  1. Heat your Seasoned iron skillet to medium heat.
  2. In a bowl, crack 4 eggs and beat/mix well.
  3. Add eggnog (I didn't measure, I just poured what I'm assuming was 1/3 cup. May have been more), and beat together well.
  4. Once skillet is good and hot, slowly pour egg mixture into skillet and let sit for a few seconds until the bottom is set.
  5. With a metal spatula, scrape the cooked egg off the bottom of the pan and create a pile in the center making room for more liquid egg to cook. Over stirring leads to smaller pieces of eggs, and reduces the fluff dramatically.
  6. Continue this way until all the liquid egg has cooked.
  7. Continue tossing egg bits until throughly cooked.
  8. Serve topped with a few dashes of ground cinnamon, pinch of nutmeg and a quick swirl of honey (it really only takes a LITTLE swirl).
  9. Enjoy!
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