Watermelon Pickles

The American South's version of chutney. Great accompaniment for sandwiches or any meal. Make sure you follow good canning practices when making this. Recipe from my Dad. Show more

Ready In: 2 hrs 20 mins

Serves: 20




  1. Remove the red, pink and green part of the melon. Eat the red and pink parts. Discard the green rind. Chop the remaining white part into 1" pieces.
  2. Cover with water and boil until tender, about 1 hour.
  3. Drain.
  4. Put remaining ingredients in a pot and cook stirring until sugar dissolves.
  5. Add watermelon and boil about 1 hour until syrup penetrates the melon.
  6. Meanwhile prepare canning jars.
  7. Put rind in the hot jars and fill to the top with syrup.
  8. Seal jars.
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