Warm Caesar Artichoke Pasta

This pasta recipe uses the best parts of everything to make one awesome meal! It's best warm and steaming! My husband said it was perfect--all his favorite things compiled into one dish Enjoy! Show more

Ready In: 20 mins

Serves: 6




  1. Boil your pasta, according to their directions. (be sure not to overboil--you want the pasta firmer for this dish).
  2. Meanwhile begin cooking the bacon in a skillet--I prefer mine Extra crispy but cook however you would like.When bacon is finished, drain and roughly chop.
  3. When pasta is done, drain, then toss with Caesar dressing and cheese--the pasta will heat/melt them right up.
  4. Drain your artichokes, give them a rough chop, and heat them in the microwave for about 30 sec.
  5. Finally toss your pasta with the cooked bacon, warmed artichokes, tomato, and avocado.
  6. Enjoy!
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