Veal or Chicken Stock

A staple recipe if you feel energetic and don't like the bought stuff. This is my basic chicken soup to which I then add some chopped vegetables and noodles. Time does not include refrigeration time. Show more

Ready In: 3 hrs 15 mins

Serves: 12




  1. Heat oil in a large stock pot and sweat vegetables until tender.
  2. Raise the heat and add veal/chicken. Cook further 5 minutes. Turning meat but not browning.
  3. Add water and simmer. Skim any scum from surface.
  4. Cover the pot and simmer gently for 3 hours.
  5. Salt to taste and cool. Strain off solids.
  6. Cool the stock and refrigerate to allow solids to set.
  7. Remove any solid fat from top of stock and use as required.
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