Ultimate Trail Mix! 100 Percent Raw - Packed With Protein

The best trail mix Ive ever eaten! its protein packed and 100 percent raw.

Ready In: 10 mins

Yields: 6 cups


  • 1  cup  raw unsalted brazil nut
  • 1  cup  raw unsalted cashews
  • 1  cup  raw unsalted walnuts (pieces are preferred over whole)
  • 1  cup  raw  unsalted almonds
  • 12 cup  hulled sunflower seeds (without the shell)
  • 12 cup dried cranberries
  • 12 cup raisins
  • 12 cup  dried fruit, of choice (everyone is different, so throw in what you want. personally I would use a half of blueberries)


  1. throw it all together in a tupperware or bag.
  2. mix it all up.
  3. enjoy!

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