Tuna Salad Spread

This versatile tuna salad can be used as an appetizer dip for crackers or put in a croissant for a tasty sandwich. Show more

Ready In: 15 mins

Serves: 4-6




  1. Put the eggs on to boil.
  2. Slice up the celery into small pieces (about the size of your thumb nail, you want to keep the crunch, but not make it too chunky to scoop up on a cracker).
  3. Open the cans of tuna and drain the oil or water off very well.
  4. Mix celery and tuna with all the spices, mayo,and the lemon juice in a large bowl.
  5. When the eggs are boiled, chop them about the same size as the celery and add to the bowl, mixing well.
  6. cover and refrigerate about one hour, or until firm enough to serve as dip or as croissant filling.
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