Traditional Sicilian Cannoli

My all time favorite Italian dessert. If your ricotta is watery, please make sure to drain it well.

Ready In: 4 hrs

Serves: 16




  1. SHELLS: In a mixing bowl, combine flour, sugar, and salt.
  2. Add butter and marsala.
  3. Knead dough on lightly floured surface until well mixed.
  4. Wrap dough in Saran wrap and refrigerate for 2 to 3 hours.
  5. Roll out dough very thin.
  6. Cut dough into rounds using a 4 inch cookie cutter.
  7. Roll each round again until very thin.
  8. Roll each round around a cannoli tube, tightly, and seal with egg white.
  9. Fry in hot oil, turning, until golden.
  10. Drain on paper towels and let cool.
  11. Gently twist cannoli tube to remove shell.
  12. Cool COMPLETELY.
  13. FILLING: Mix together (by hand with wooden spoon) ALL filling ingredients.
  14. Keep covered in the refrigerator until your shells are cooled and ready to fill.
  15. Fill pastry bag with filling.
  16. Use a plain or open star tip.
  17. Insert tip to center of shell and fill to one end and then repeat this step on the other end.
  18. Dust with confectioners' sugar.
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