Tomato Mustard Crusted Beef

This is a wonderful recipe, especially if you have guests, as it is not time consuming yet is something a little more special. You can have this one on the table in about 40 Min's and most of that is the baking time so you can socialize and not be banished to the kitchen. Show more

Ready In: 40 mins

Serves: 4




  1. Preheat oven to 200c.
  2. Combine mustard, tomatoes, flakes and melted butter in a bowl, press mixture over beef.
  3. In an oven proof dish pour stock and garlic and place beef in pan. Cook uncovered in the oven about 25 Min's for medium rare or until cooked as desired.
  4. Remove beef from pan and keep warm.
  5. Add softened butter, water and balsamic vinegar to pan juices, mix a little water with cornflour add to pan, stir over heat until mixture boils and thickens. Season with pepper.
  6. To Serve: Place beef on plate and drizzle with sauce, I served mine with roasted baby fennel and parsnip mash.
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