Tomato-Braised Fish Wth Feta and Lemon

From the "Pantry to Table" cookbook.  Cookbook Swap, fall 2008. I love feta and love fish so this ought to be a great dish.  For lower points/calories used fat free feta.  (me I want the real stuff) 4 points.less points with fat free feta. edited to add drain the tomatoes as stated from the chefs reviews. Show more

Ready In: 25 mins

Serves: 4




  1. Heat oil in large nonstick skillet over med heat.
  2. Add onions and garlic and cook, stirring frequently, until onions are softened, about 4 minute.
  3. Add the tomatoes and zest:cook, stirring until heated through, about 3 minute.
  4. Sprinkle fish with salt, place in skillet, and spoon some of the tomato mixture overthe top.
  5. Cover the skillet and cook until fish is opaque in center (6-8 min).  Sprinkle with crumbled feta and lemon wedges.
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