Thumbprint Cookies

As a kid, our next door neighbors would make these cookies at Christmastime. After I grew up and moved out....I always longed for these yummy cookies and asked my neighbor for the coveted recipe. It wasn't until 20 years later, when I was getting married that I finally got this recipe for Thumbprint Cookies. (I wanted the recipe so much that I told Mrs. B to give me the recipe for our wedding gift!) Show more

Ready In: 33 mins

Yields: 12-18 cookies


  • 23 cup butter
  • 13 cup brown sugar
  • 1  teaspoon  almond extract
  • 1  egg, separated
  • 1 13 cups flour
  • 12 cup  jam
  • 12 cup  finely chopped pecans


  1. Let butter soften in a mixing bowl-add sugar and almond extract. Cream thoroughly.
  2. Add yolk and beat well.
  3. Add flour and blend (add a bit more if necessary, dough shouldn't be sticky).
  4. Shape into 1 inch balls.
  5. Roll balls in egg white and into chopped pecans. Place on a cookie sheet.
  6. Press thumb into each ball-making a wide imprint in each cookie.
  7. Fill imprints with jam.
  8. Bake at 350 degrees for 18 minutes. Makes 2 dozen small or 1 dozen large cookies.
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