Three-Meat Spaghetti

This is a favorite in my home. This is for the meat lovers in the family.

Ready In: 1 hr

Serves: 6-8




  1. Spaghetti Sauce:
  2. Season chicken. Fry chicken in olive oil in a small pan (do not flour). Allow chicken to cool and chop into medium sized chunks.
  3. Dice and saute Polish sausages.
  4. Ground and drain ground beef.
  5. Combine all cooked items with the RoTel peppers, tomato paste, and spaghetti sauce in a large saucepan. Season sauce with salt and pepper.
  6. Allow sauce to simmer for fifteen minutes.
  7. Spaghetti:
  8. Boil water. Add a capful of vegetable oil before adding noodles.
  9. Add spaghetti and follow cooking times on the package (4-6 minutes to make the noodle al dente).
  10. Combine the sauce and noodles in a large pot. Stir and serve immediately.
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