The Very Best Sangria

There is a popular Spanish restaurant in town where they are known for their sangria. After years of downing this delicious and potent quaff, I had to have the recipe. You may make this with either red or white wine. Do not leave out the cinnamon. Add sugar to your likeness. Personally, I don't like it too sweet. Careful... This packs a punch on those unsuspecting. Show more

Ready In: 5 mins

Serves: 1-4


  • 1  lemon (use fresh)
  • 1  orange (or approx 3 Tbsp orange juice)
  • 1 -1 12 ounce brandy (not flavored) or 1 -1 12 ounce cognac (not flavored)
  • 1 -1 12 ounce triple sec (or other orange liqueur)
  • 1  ounce vodka (optional)
  • 12  of a bottle dry red wine (not expensive) or 12  of a bottle white wine (not expensive)
  • 12 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1  tablespoon sugar (or to taste)
  •  plenty  ice


  1. In a pitcher.
  2. squeeze 1/2 lemon (Slice other 1/2 for presentation).
  3. squeeze 1/2 of an orange (Slice the other 1/2 for presentation) Or use about 3 Tbsp of orange juice.
  4. add cinnamon and sugar and stir.
  5. add booze
  6. fill pitcher with ice.
  7. add lemon and orange slices
  8. stir again
  9. Serve and enjoy.
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