Thai-Style Steak Salad

From "Everyday Food" episode 501, "All in One Bag."

Ready In: 30 mins

Serves: 4




  1. Combine marinade ingredients. Pour 2 tablespoons of marinade over steaks, then sprinkle with salt and pepper. Let marinate 30 minutes.
  2. Heat a plain (not non-stick) skillet until very hot. Place steaks in dry skillet (if using a cut with less marbling, you may need a little oil); it will smoke, so have a fan going and/or a window open. Cook 5-6 minutes per side, depending on thickness, until medium-rare. Let rest 10 minutes before slicing.
  3. Cut lettuce crosswise into 1" ribbons. Cut carrots into thin ribbons with a vegetable peeler. Toss lettuce, carrots, mint, bean sprouts and reserved dressing in a bowl.
  4. Slice steak thinly across the grain and lay slices on top of salad. Sprinkle with peanuts and serve.
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