Thai Beef Jerky (Nua Sawan)

I love Thai beef jerky. It's great with rice and plum sauce. I found this recipe online and decided to share it with everyone. Enjoy! Show more

Ready In: 6 hrs 20 mins

Serves: 1




  1. Slice beef across the grain 2"X 3" in size and 1/4" thick.
  2. Roast coriander and cumin seeds in a fry pan over low heat until fragrant, cool, and grind coarsely in a mortar or a spice grinder.
  3. Combine beef and the rest of the ingredients and marinade 1 hour.
  4. Place beef pieces on a cake rack sprayed with Pam and put the rack in a foil lined cookie sheet large enough to catch any liquid dripping from the beef.
  5. Place the cookie sheet in a lowest setting oven until the beef pieces are dry to the touch and no liquid seep out when pressed (between 6-12 hours depending on the oven).
  6. Over medium-low heat, heat the oil in a flat-bottomed fry pan and drop the beef in 5-6 pieces at a time. Fry until crispy on the outside and around the edges.
  7. Drain on a cake rack over paper towels.
  8. Keeps up to 1 week in an airtight container at room temperature. Serve alone or with cooked sticky rice.
  9. NOTE: Tenderize beef lightly with a mallet if using other cuts of beef. Be sure to drain the oil well. Any excess may become rancid. Cool completely before storing.
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