Texas Armadillo Balls

This is a spicy great fried treat which will bring your mouth to the Heart of Texas. Combine your Grandmothers Thanksgiving Dressing with Texas Spices and then deep fry them to create a spicy ball with a dry crust exterior and a warm moist interior. Show more

Ready In: 1 hr 15 mins

Yields: 24 Balls




  1. Follow Directions on the 2 Package of Corn bread mix to make yellow corn bread. Once the corn bread is done let cool and crumble corn bread into small pieces.
  2. Sauté’ vegetables in butter.
  3. Add crumbled cornbread and add broth and stir until smooth and thin.
  4. Add sage and cream of chicken soup. Stir and mix well.
  5. Add diced Habanera Pepper, diced Jalapeño Pepper, Fresh Ground Black Pepper, Crushed Red Pepper, and Cayenne Pepper to taste. (I like a lot but I’m a Texan).
  6. Bake on 350 until slightly thick and brown. (I like to stir mine every 15 min and taste to see if I nee to spice it up).
  7. Once brown take out of oven and allow to cool.
  8. Place 4 to 5 beat eggs, flour and bread crumbs in 3 separate bowls.
  9. Once the dressing is cool, scope up some dressing with a spoon and form a ball.
  10. Dip the ball in the flour, then the beat egg, then the bread crumbs.
  11. Deep fry on 350 degrees for 2 to 3 minutes. (Not too long, remember the inside is already cooked. You just want a nice hard crunchy exterior).
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