Tatanka Cocktail

this recipe requires the cucumbery goodness of zubrowka bison grass vodka, i suppose you could use cucumber vodka i remeber finlandia doing a cucumber vodka many moons ago. During my spell in university doing my psychology degree i worked ina popular chain of cocktail bars in the uk called revolution. i kept all my training materials, and myu little laminated ingredient lists that i used to keep in my apron. i thought it was about time i updated them onto recipezaar. There are some revolution classics in this and also some that they dont do anymore at rev. I may be a bit vague on the floating parts of cocktails, i haven’t made them in a while. This may be a good excuse to! the reason why i specify using a glass tumbler to mix the drink in is purely for logistics- creating one drinks worth at a time by measuring it out in the serving glass and serving it in the same glass. its how we used to do it a rev, if your prefer to do it in a cocktail shaker thats fine just beware not to out too much ice in. Show more

Ready In: 5 mins

Serves: 1


  • 3  fluid ounces vodka (zubrowka bison grass)
  • 300  ml  apple juice
  •  garnish with mint sprig


  1. half fill a 14 oz glass with ice and out over all liquids
  2. if using tumbler put the larger half of the cocktail shaker on the top of the glass tumbler hold tight and shake until their is condensation on outside of the cocktail shaker.
  3. tap cocktail shaker gentle on a surface to release glass and pour from cocktail shaker back into tumbler.
  4. garnish with mint.
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