Tasty Baked Lamb With Feta Cheese and Tomatoes

This is my husband's special dish he makes us for a treat. The flavours are lovely and he impressed me with it before we were married - I couldn't believe he'd cooked it! (I've since learned he is a good cook but keeps it quiet) He normally serves with some fresh steamed broccoli. As its so easy to make he passed the recipe onto a friend who wanted to impress his girlfriend but he didn't serve with any veggies and it does need something with it that's not baked - although she was impressed with the dish she told me. You can play around with the quantities to suit you as long as the basic ingredents are there. Enjoy! Show more

Ready In: 1 hr 50 mins

Serves: 2




  1. Cube the neck fillet and place on the base of a 9inch square oven dish.
  2. Change the dish size to suit you but we normally have enough lamb to cover the base of the dish - this makes a large meal for us two!
  3. Salt and pepper the lamb.
  4. Then cube feta cheese and sprinkle over the top.
  5. Thinly slice the tomatoes and layer over the top so that the dish is covered.
  6. Sprinkle on dried herbs.
  7. Sprinkle over the olive oil.
  8. Bake in the oven for 60 to 90 mins (we normally go for 90) at Gas mark 5 or 190°C.
  9. Half way through the baking time take the dish out and use a baster to draw out the juices at the bottom of the dish and squirt on the top.
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