Tahinopita (A Greek Lenten Cake)

This is a great breakfast cake, with a very spicy flavour. Nutritious too. Please note that there are no eggs or fat (other than the oil in the tahini) in this cake, which makes it denser than normal. If you are looking for a light cake, this recipe is not for you. Very satisfying with a cup of coffee or tea. Show more

Ready In: 1 hr 15 mins

Yields: 1 cake




  1. Preheat oven to 350 F (180C).
  2. If this cake is to be Lenten, then grease a loaf pan with olive oil, otherwise, use butter, and dust pan with flour.
  3. Prepare all dry ingredients in a bowl to have on hand.
  4. Beat tahini, sugar and orange rind until fluffy and creamy (about 8 minutes on high).
  5. Gradually add orange juice alternately with dry ingredients.
  6. Stir in walnuts and sultana raisins.
  7. Pour batter into prepared pan and bake for approximately 50-60 minutes (until tester comes out clean).
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