Sweet & Spicy Cocktail Meatballs

I am so sick of the standard sweet & sour meatballs with the cranberry sauce. So I started to play around in the kitchen & I think I came up with a winner. You surely could cheat & buy a store bought barbecue & add the rest of the ingredients, but it really is so easy that I wouldn't bother. Show more

Ready In: 1 hr 25 mins

Serves: 10-12




  1. Mix together all sauce ingredients in pot.
  2. Bring to a slight boil. Stirring occasionally.
  3. Simmer until sauce starts to thicken.
  4. Strain sauce.
  5. Preheat 375.
  6. Mix all meat ingredients except milk together.
  7. Add milk little by little to a nice hold together consistency.
  8. Make small meatballs & place on oven tray.
  9. Bake 30-40 minutes.
  10. Put in crock pot with sauce on low and cook 2 hours.
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