Sweet Potato Salad

In 'Heirloom Cooking with the Brass Sisters'. Circa 1960s

Ready In: 1 hr 35 mins

Yields: 8 cups




  1. *Notes--steaming sweet potatoes for 20 minutes is an arbitrary amount of time; the best way to know when they are done is to test them; they should still be a bit firm; if you overcook them, they will fall apart; do not use baked sweet potatoes for this salad; do not mix pecans into salad or they will become soggy.
  2. Make the salad: place sweet potatoes in a steamer basket set over simmering water; cover and steam about 20 minutes; remove to a large bowl and let cool.
  3. When cool enough to handle, cut potatoes into 3/4-inch dice and return to bowl.
  4. Add in orange marmalade, apricot jam, and red bell pepper; toss to coat.
  5. Make the vinaigrette: add oil, vinegar, orange juice, and mustard to a container with a cover; cover and shake to combine; remove cover and add salt, pepper, garlic, hot pepper flakes, and orange zest; replace cover and shake to combine.
  6. Pour vinaigrette over salad and stir gently with a wooden spoon.
  7. Mound salad on a platter or place in a large bowl; cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 4 hours to allow flavors to marry.
  8. Remove salad from refrigerator 15 minutes before serving; serve sprinkled with pecans; store leftover salad in a covered container in refrigerator.
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