Sweet Chili Trout

i really love this recipe, it is so simple and is great for the cook/fisherman. i got inspiration from some fishermen on Newhaven beach having a barbeque. Show more

Ready In: 20 mins

Serves: 1


  • 1  large  whole trout or 1  large  whole  mackerel
  •  sweet chili sauce or  tomato sauce, to taste (shop bought)
  •  fresh herb, to taste
  •  water, small amount (enough to cover bottom of 'bag')


  1. At no point in this recipe should you remove the head or tail of the fish.
  2. First take a bit of tinfoil about 60cm x the width of the roll.
  3. Take your fish, making sure it has been gutted (your fish monger will do this for you) and cut 3 diagonal lines either side of the fish about 1cm deep into the skin of the fish and stuff your herbs inches Repeat this on the otherside.
  4. Smother the fish in the sweet chili sauce, making sure to put some in the belly with some herbs (if you want).
  5. Now lay the fish in the middle of the tinfoil and wrap the tin foil almost like a bag, when this is done you can put in the water, effectively steaming the fish.
  6. Put under the grill at around 170oC (centigrade).
  7. After 10 mins serve on a plate with a small dollop of sweet chili sauce to dip in and garnish with herbs.
  8. Drizzle a small bit of lemon juice over the fish.
  9. I hope this makes your mouth water, if you like it please tell me through the feedback and reviews.
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