Swedish Mushroom Meatloaf

For ZWT 6. This recipe comes from the World Hearth Circle of International Cooking. I can't wait to try this. It sounds delicious. Show more

Ready In: 1 hr 10 mins

Serves: 6




  1. Saute scallions and mushroom in butter. Remove from heat and mix in sour cream.
  2. In a separate bowl, mix all other ingredients except parsley.
  3. Place 1/2 of the meat mixture into a loaf pan.
  4. Make an indentation down the loaf, lengthwise, and spoon mushroom mixture into indentation.
  5. Put the other half of the meat mixture on top and make sure that mushroom mixture is completely covered.
  6. Bake at 350F for one hour.
  7. Garnish with parsley to serve.
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