Susan's Sweet Mustard Sauce for Ham

This is the best sweet mustard sauce ever. It's a great accompaniment for your cooked ham, or a great dipping sauce (my kids love it on hard boiled eggs). Everyone wanted Susan's recipe... so here it is. It has a bit of bite... but is kid friendly if they don't eat it straight! If you want to be sure it doesn't have too much bite for the kids, decrease dry mustard... maybe to 2 Tablespoons. Yum! Show more

Ready In: 10 mins

Yields: 2 cups




  1. Combine all ingredients (beat eggs first).
  2. Cook on low heat (3 or 4 to start).
  3. Whisk about every 2 minutes until thickened.
  4. Don't be tempted to cook on too high a heat as it will cause the eggs to curdle.
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