Super Muesli Bar

I love these bars! They are healthy and very tasty, also low in fat! Wonderful for a mid-day snack that will keep you going until dinner, and they pack into lunch boxes well to... Show more

Ready In: 50 mins

Yields: 16 bars




  1. Preheat the oven to 350ºF and grease a 7 x 11inch rectangular slice pan. Line the base and 2 long sides with baking paper and extend the paper a few inches above the edge of the pan to help with removing the muesli slices later.
  2. In a large bowl, combine oats, nuts, seeds, flour and cinnamon. Mix in the dried fruit.
  3. In a small saucepan, melt margarine, honey and sugar on a low heat, stirring until the ingredients are melted and combined. Remove from heat and add vanilla essence.
  4. In a small bowl, beat egg and egg white together.
  5. Add margarine mixture and eggs to the oat mixture and mix until well combined. Spoon into prepared tin and press down so it is an even level. Bake for 25 minutes, or until lightly golden. Cool in tin before cutting into slices.
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