Summer Pasta Alfredo

Once you try making Alfredo this way, you will not go back making it over the stove. At least I know I won't. This recipe to me, is one of those that is a true find, that only happens once in awhile and has put in the ranks of my top 10 recipes of all time. Don't let the title of the recipe fool you, this pasta can be made year round, using whatever fresh ingredients are in season. Let your creative imagination flow. I received this recipe in my email from the Baker Boulanger website and will be forever grateful. Show more

Ready In: 15 mins

Serves: 4-6




  1. Prepare the pasta and drain. Place pasta in a large bowl. Toss with the ingredients and additional add-ins. Serve hot or cold.
  2. Optional add-ins to taste:
  3. Black or green olives.
  4. Grilled chicken or chicken chunks.
  5. Cooked shrimp.
  6. Green beans.
  7. Fresh spinach.
  8. Chunks of fresh garden tomatoes, peas, and peppers (for more of a primavera style).
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