Sugar Free Bavarian Cream Pie

I have not tried this recipe. I got this recipe from Ossg Recipes.

Ready In: 15 mins

Serves: 8-10




  1. Meringue:
  2. Beat egg whites until frothy. Then beat in cream of tartar until peaks form.
  3. and curl over. Without over beating, blend in each packet of Equal® separately.
  4. Finally, beat in vanilla. Set meringue aside, and immediately prepare the.
  5. pudding in a separate bowl.
  6. Pudding:
  7. Stir vanilla into milk. Then beat in pudding mix. Gently and thoroughly. fold.
  8. the meringue into the pudding. Pour this pie filling into the pie shell, and.
  9. refrigerate until congealed. Allow two hours.
  10. Topping (optional):
  11. This dessert is plenty rich tasting as is; nevertheless, you may wish to make a little whipping cream. If so, for best results, wait until just before.
  12. serving the pie to prepare the topping. Beat the whipping cream until it begins to hold its form. Then add an Equal® packet and vanilla, and beat until stiff.
  13. Top each slice with a small dollop for decoration.
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