Stuffed Focaccia or Pita Piena

I haven't tried this but thought it sounded, well, interesting! Apparently the author, Matthew Fort, tasted it during his travels in Italy and he says it can be served hot, warm or cold. From The Guardian's weekend magazine. Show more

Ready In: 2 hrs 30 mins

Serves: 4




  1. Mix the flour, yeast, water and salt in a bowl and work until smooth and elastic.
  2. Move to a warm place and leave to rise until doubled.
  3. Place the risen dough on your counter and pull it open in the middle.
  4. Punch down and then add the lard, kneading until elastic and silky.
  5. Put back in the bowl and leave to rise again.
  6. Preheat the oven to 180 C or 350°F.
  7. Roll out half the dough to about 2 cm thick and use it to cover the base of a large oven dish, greased with lard.
  8. Scatter over the pork rind, egg, sausage and pecorino.
  9. Roll out the rest of the dough to the same size and lay on top.
  10. Bind the two with half the beaten egg.
  11. Prick with a fork and brush on the remaining egg.
  12. Bake for about 30 minutes until golden brown.
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