Stuffed Eggplant (Aubergine)

Tina is a great cook, and a great mate, and willing to share her recipes!!! this is one of my favorites! Show more

Ready In: 55 mins

Serves: 4


  • 2  eggplants (I use ones about the size of a large orange)
  • 50  g  salami (I use mild Hungarian)
  • 12 cup parsley, chopped
  • 2  garlic cloves
  • 1  cup  fresh breadcrumb
  • 34 cup cheese, shredded
  • 2  eggs
  • 1  onion
  • 2 -3  tomatoes, peeled chopped (or half a can of tomatoes)
  • 1  teaspoon sugar
  • 1  tablespoon  oil (approx)
  • 1  tablespoon butter (approx)
  •  salt and pepper, to taste. (can add basil too)


  1. Cut the tops off two medium eggplants.
  2. scoop out the flesh, without breaking the skin, leave about ½” flesh.
  3. Chop the flesh and fry in a little oil, with garlic and chopped salami.
  4. Add some chopped parsley (if you like parsley….I don’t) and salt and pepper.
  5. Stir-fry a few minutes, then throw in a cup of fresh breadcrumbs and ¾ cup shredded cheese,.
  6. stir another 30 seconds and take off the heat.
  7. Stir through 2 lightly beaten eggs.
  8. Using a teaspoon, stuff the eggplants, levelling the top.
  10. Lightly fry a med onion in a mixture of oil and butter, (not too much) when they are limp, add 2-3 peeled chopped tomatoes, (or half a can of tomatoes).
  11. Sprinkle with a teaspoon sugar and salt and pepper to taste. (I add basil too).
  12. Place the eggplants on top of the concasse and simmer gently till the eggplant is soft and slightly wrinkly. (about 30 mins).
  13. Check to make sure the concasse does not get too dry. Serve the eggplant cut in half, length-ways, and pour some of the concasse over.
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