Stuffed Artichokes

this is using fresh whole artichokes rather than just the hearts. Can be used as main dish or side.

Ready In: 1 hr 10 mins

Serves: 4




  1. Trim tops of artichoke leaves to remove pointed tips.
  2. Soak artichokes in salted water for about 20 minutes. Drain.
  3. Mix rest of ingredients to make stuffing.
  4. Fill the artichoke leaves with stuffing.
  5. Stand stuffed artichokes in roasting rack. place in covered roasting pan or dutch oven.
  6. Pour a small amount of water in bottom of roasting pan, but do not let water touch the artichokes.
  7. Cover and slowly steam artichokes, adding several drops of olive oil over stuffing about every 15 minutes.
  8. Continue to steam until artichokes are done. about an hour.
  9. The secret to success is the use of the olive oil. Don't use too much at a time. The stuffing should be moist but not soaked and the artichoke should not be oily. I use a small eye dropper to make sure I'm not using too much oil.
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