Strawberry Banana Smoothie (Try It--It's Delicious)

It's a very creamy and yummy smoothie.

Ready In: 9 mins

Serves: 2-3




  1. Cut all the raspberries in half then put in the blender.
  2. Cut the 5 strawberries in quarters, then stick in the blender.
  3. Cut the banana down the middle stick in the blender.
  4. Put the 4 scoops of vanilla ice-cream in the blender.
  5. Now mix that all together.
  6. Then add your strawberry jelly.
  7. And now add your milk.
  8. Blend it all up
  9. Now get your cup and put 1 scoop of your vanilla ice cream in the bottom of the cup. Now pour and taste.
  10. ENJOY!
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