Spiced Pickled Beets (Refrigerater Pickles)

My sister in-law has been making these for 30 years or more. When feeling up to it she will can a large batch. But just for simplicity she will make this small batch that does not require canning. I had to stand at her shoulder and write everything down with guesses on the measuring. I really do not liked can pickled beets, they are very bland. I would rather have fresh cooked instead. This is the only recipe I will eat pickled beets. My DH loves the onions. You can use white vinegar, but this tastes better if you use apple vinegar. Show more

Ready In: 15 mins

Serves: 12

Yields: 6 cups




  1. Mix beets and onions in large bowl. Put water and sugar into pan. Heat just until sugar has dissolves into the water.
  2. Take pan off heat. Add vinegar and spices to the pan.
  3. If you have a contaner large enought to hold all the ingredients, then just mix all items together and put into the fridge.
  4. We usually pack the beets/onion mixture into two large jars, then split the spices evenly between the two if using whole spices. If using ground, just mix them with the liquid. Last pour liquid over beets to the top. You may have some liquid left over. Cover and refrigerate. These start to taste good after 12 hours, and best after 2 days. They will stay up to 4-6 weeks in the fridge.
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